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Wisconsin bonus deer tags available August 12, 2024

Wisconsin bonus deer tags available August 12, 2024

By Blake Jackson

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has announced the availability of bonus antlerless deer harvest authorizations, formerly known as tags, for the 2024-gun deer season.

These authorizations can be purchased online through the Go Wild license portal or at physical license sales locations starting at 10 a.m. on Monday, August 12, 2024.

Hunters can purchase one bonus authorization per person per day until they are sold out or the hunting season ends. The cost is $12 for Wisconsin residents, $20 for non-residents, and $5 for youth aged 11 and under.

To purchase a bonus authorization, hunters must know the deer management zone and unit where they plan to hunt, whether they will be hunting on public or private land and have a valid deer hunting license.

The first three days of bonus sales are specific to different management zones: Forest Zones on August 12, Central Farmland Zone on August 13, and Southern Farmland Zone on August 14. From August 15 onwards, bonus authorizations will be available for all zones.

The number of bonus authorizations varies by deer management unit based on local deer population levels. This approach allows for more hunting opportunities in areas with abundant deer and stricter regulations in areas with lower deer populations. It's important to note that bonus authorizations are not available in Ashland and Iron counties.

A complete list of available bonus antlerless harvest authorizations per deer management unit can be found on the DNR's Antlerless Deer Harvest Authorization webpage.

Additionally, hunters should remember that a minimum of one Farmland Zone antlerless harvest authorization is included with each deer hunting license purchase in Farmland Zone units.

Users entering the Go Wild website between 9:45 a.m. and 10 a.m. will be placed in a virtual queue and randomly assigned a number. There is no advantage to entering the site before 9:45 a.m.

Photo Credit: pexels-jim-fawns

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Categories: Wisconsin, Government & Policy

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